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Telephone Information Hotline

Basics: Allow callers to get information about your product, they can then leave a message if interested in learning more.

Sample Client: Real estate professional wanted to be able to have a phone message of currently available rental units and publish this number seeking callers 24/7.

More Details: You can call in using any telephone and record 3 messages. We've found this is the best number of messages.

  1. Your greeting - This is meant not to change (although you can update it any time)
  2. Your detail message - This one you will regularly change
  3. Your "leave a message" instructions - On this you should say what kind of information to leave in the voicemail.

Example for a residential real estate rental professional:

  1. Your Greeting: Hello and welcome to your next home by Quality Housing, we provide excellant pet-free, child friendly affordable apartments. We currently have available...
  2. Your Detail Message - a 2 BR apartment at ### Street Name, rent includes all utilities and is an affordable $$$ per month.
  3. Your "leave a message" instructions - If you are interested in one of these units please leave a message including your name, phone number, and when you'd like to see the apartment. We will be happy to call you back to set up an appoitment to show you your next home.

If you notice - Your greeting and "leave a message" won't change - Only your detail message will change. You can call in ANYTIME 24/7 and re-record this message.



SETUP: $10 Setup
MONTHLY: < $1.00/month - $10/Year
: IMPORTANT: Phone number required seperately - Read Common Prices and using your own SIP provider below.

This service is $10 Setup and $10/Year from BitShop - HOWEVER there's a seperate fee for telephone service to terminate to our phone system.

We have relationships with multiple telephone providers and can resell you one of their services, since you may or may not be in the same area as us we have partnered with multiple providers to try to cover most areas worldwide.

Common Prices Include:

  • US local number - Starting from $8/month for unlimited calls in many major cities, $19/month for many other cities (many times a toll free number will be better)
  • US 800 / Toll Free # - $5/month + $0.09/minute (payphones generally add $0.35 per call).

If you already use VoIP technology we can configure our system to accept the phone number a SIP provider of your choice. If you do this we bill for our admin's time configuring (and any changes to) your SIP setup. This generally runs about $25 one time fee.

Unless you understand phone technologies and know what we mean by a SIP provider then allowing us to procure the phone number for you is strongly recommended.


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